
Yapip is a marketplace that connects online traders to financial analysts expert at low trading fees to increase gains for traders. Yapip has created an app with a centralized dashboard with critical data and features for analysts to enable them to increase their profits and offer them a better way to manage their customer relationships. Additionally, Yapip’s technology offers much lower commissions and fees, because of its multi-brokerage integration, where brokerages will compete to provide the best pricing. In contrast to other social trading platforms, Yapip only receives revenue when their customers make money.

Yapip helps online traders and financial analysts to save time and effort by enabling them to sign up for multiple brokerages, while only submitting legal documentation once. In doing so, Yapip streamlines a process which sometimes can take weeks to just a few minutes. Additionally, this ensures that traders and financial analysts get the best terms and deals possible.

Investment thesis

Yapip launched its Beta in the Spring of 2019, with a goal of releasing the multi-broker feature to allow traders to connect with their desired brokers by the end of the year. The company has already received significant traction, including 40,000 Euro in revenue from their MVP providing recommendations and market predictions along with a deal with the Arab Bank to offer their service through their online banking system. Their technology is already providing dividends for users, providing successful trade advice at a rate of 80%.

There is a tremendous market for Yapip, with 13.9 million online traders in 2018, along with 93,000 financial analysts and $5.3 trillion in daily trading. The number of online traders continues to grow, with a 106.6% increase in Europe, 43.7% in Asia, and 53.8% increase in Africa between 2017 and 2018. Similarly the number of financial analysts increase by over 20,000 between 2017 and 2018. Such trends illustrate the potential for Yapip’s product within a growing online ecosystem.

Potential refugee impact

Founded by a team of social entrepreneurs and financial professionals forced to flee Syria, Yapip qualifies as both a R1:Refugee-Owned and R2:Refugee-Led enterprise.


Saleem Najjar – Co-Founder
Emad Jaghasi – Co-Founder
Ramy Attar – Co-Founder


Yapip is a refugee owned and led enterprise based out of Luxembourg.