RIN Feature

Inclusive and dignified digital work: linking markets and displaced people

Inclusive and dignified digital work: linking markets and displaced people.

A team of four experts – with experience upskilling refugees, facilitating job linkages, impact investing, researching economic inclusion, and lived experience as a refugee – discuss the barriers that displaced people face in accessing digital work and how these can be overcome.

Flipping the Narrative: Let refugees be economic contributors

Published in The New Humanitarian, Flipping the Narrative is an ongoing series that aims to put the voices of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants at the centre of conversations about the policies and events that shape their lives. This second essay looks at how restrictive policies suppress refugees’ economic potential, forcing many into a situation of dependency rather than allowing them to contribute to the societies in which they live.

RIN Feature

A Letter From RIN’s Founder

John Kluge shares news about his transition, reflections on RIN’s progress over the past four years, and hopes for the road ahead.

Impact investors step up to the migration challenge in Central America

As the US government and private sector accelerate the flow of capital towards migration challenges, impact investment models like the refugee lens are critical to deploying that capital in ways that will boost local economies from the ground-up. RIN spoke to ImpactAlpha about its work in Latin America and trends in investors seeking out migration-focused solutions.

Biden Pushes U.S.—and the World—to Help Climate Migrants

The changes under consideration could far surpass current international practices, experts said—potentially vaulting the United States to global climate leadership after President Trump spent four years dismantling the United States’ capacity for both climate action and refugee resettlement.

Ban on New Foreign Workers Left U.S. Jobs Unfilled, Even in Covid Downturn

The U.S. closed the door to nearly all incoming foreign workers last year. The causes were Covid-19 restrictions that locked global borders and Trump administration policies that drastically reduced work visas, with the exception of farmworkers. The effect was an unexpected experiment in one of the country’s most hotly debated issues—the relationship between the labor market and immigration.