innPactWeek in Barranquilla, Colombia. Organized by Five One Labs with USAID support.

RIN was delighted to participate in #innPactWeek in Barranquilla, Colombia.  Designed and conducted by Five One Labs, with support from USAID, the event brought together over a dozen RLI entrepreneurs and a large and diverse group of impact investors from the United States, Latin America and Colombia to Barranquilla to learn about – and invest in – the burgeoning RLI startup ecosystem on the Caribbean Coast and across Colombia. See the full event write up on the link below.

Building a Refugee Lens Investment Ecosystem in Kenya

In collaboration with Open Capital, “Building a Refugee Lens Investment Ecosystem in Kenya” describes how Kenya-based refugees engage economically within their host communities, and what challenges and opportunities exist to support more sustainable livelihood development, amidst the various policy and related barriers that these populations face.

RLI in East Africa

In partnership with Acumen, the IKEA Foundation, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC), RIN is working to build the field of refugee lens investing in East Africa.

The Refugee Lens

The Refugee Lens is a framework to define and qualify refugee investments. The framework helps investors and entrepreneurs respond to the question: “What is a refugee investment?” Learn more by downloading the framework and watching our Explainer.