RIN Feature

Inclusive and dignified digital work: linking markets and displaced people

Inclusive and dignified digital work: linking markets and displaced people.

A team of four experts – with experience upskilling refugees, facilitating job linkages, impact investing, researching economic inclusion, and lived experience as a refugee – discuss the barriers that displaced people face in accessing digital work and how these can be overcome.

RIN Feature

A Letter From RIN’s Founder

John Kluge shares news about his transition, reflections on RIN’s progress over the past four years, and hopes for the road ahead.

RIN Feature

RIN-CEO Social Impact Fund Closes $1.5M Raise

The RIN-CEO Social Impact Fund (SIF) closed a $1.5M raise in October, reaching its initial target. The SIF was launched in partnership with the International Rescue Committee’s Center for Economic Opportunity (IRC-CEO) to offer impact investors a unique opportunity to secure a concessional rate of return while directly supporting financial inclusion for hundreds of refugees across the United States.

RIN Feature

The new ROI: The Refugee Opportunity Index

In partnership with the Economist Intelligence Unit, the RIN is proud to announce the Refugee Opportunity Index. The ROI will shine a light on policy shortcomings and serve as a tool to incentivize policy reforms that support refugee economic integration and inclusive growth.

RIN Feature

Refugee lens investing arrives

This Euromoney feature on the RIN’s launch details the organizations initiatives, along with the work of its partners to find sustainable and durable solutions to the crisis of forced migration. RIN founder John Kluge is interviewed to discuss the Refugee Lens, as are Lev Plaves from Kiva and Kasra Movahedi from IRC’s Center for Economic Opportunity.

RIN Feature

Growing investor interest in solutions for, and by, refugees

ImpactAlpha details the RIN’s efforts to match investable refugee-focused funds and ventures with investors. “Investors are already participating in refugee and migration deals,” John Kluge of the Refugee Investment Network told ImpactAlpha. “What is new and what is changing is that there are increasingly more investors doing this by design and intent.”