TerraBlanca is an impact investment fund which aims to empower the Internally Displaced Population (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups affected by the internal conflict in Colombia.
Shatila Studio
Shatila Studio creates bespoke, hand-made needle art and women’s fashion. All our products are made entirely in-house.
Bridge is a social enterprise platform that connects the general public with cultural experiences offered by refugees sharing their story, culture, and cuisine as a means to earn a supplemental income.
Founded by Mohamed Malim, a Somali-American entrepreneur and former refugee, Epimonia is a fashion company dedicated to raising awareness around refugee issues in the United States. Epimonia sells fashion accessories, including a bracelet made out of recycled life-vests previously worn by refugees. Epimonia sources its life-vests in partnership with the non-profit organization, Refugees4Refugees, which sends its volunteers to Lesbos, a Greek Island where many refugees arrive. The final “embracelets” are then made in the Netherlands by refugees employed by the Dream Factory, owned by Mr. Malim’s uncle Omar Munie, a Dutch-Somali fashion designer.
SEP Jordan
SEP is a Jordanian social enterprise sourcing and producing high quality fashion and lifestyle accessories hand-embroidered by refugees in the Jerash and Azraq camps. Established in 2017 by Roberta Ventura, and working in partnership with the UNHCR, SEP is transforming the lives of over 500 Palestinian and Syrian refugee artisans living in Jordan. The SEP artists benefit from above-market rates and performance-related bonuses while producing fashion items of superior quality. The artists are at the core of SEP’s business model, providing creative input on all the company’s designs and products.